Digital Theatre Festival
Presented Digitally
Part 1: October 23, 24, 25, 2020
Part 2: October 27, 28, 29, 2020
Filmed on KU’s campus and even in people’s most private home spaces, the Digital Theatre Festival features seven student-created short works. Topics include gender expression, consumerism, politics, social justice, and zombies. The works cross disciplines, reflect issues of importance to our students, promote originality and growth, and at times, offer a bit of levity. Come for an evening of new theatre and be ready to ask yourself, "Are these theatre-makers or changemakers?"
Part 1
Created by Kalen Stockton and team
Directed by Kalen Stockton
Mentored by Darci Fulcher
Design & Dramaturgy by Cassandra Ludlum
Videography by Jané Franklin
Cast: Yulin An, Ashley Ebner, Annalee Larsen, Madison Meade, Kalen Stockton, and Cicely Stevenson
Who's Got the Pain?
Created by Chris Pendry and team
Directed by Chris Pendry
Mentored by James Moreno
Design by Brad Mathewson
Videography by Erik Harken
Cast: Petricia Hall, Brad Mathewson, Aubrey McGettrick, Katherine Patz, and Asher Suski
Bodies Inciting Justice
Devised by Webster McDonald and cast
Directed by Webster McDonald
Mentored by Santiago Sosa
Costume Design by Maricela Alaniz
Videography by Erik Harken
Cast: Lane Barrette, Tehreem Chaudhry, Jeremiah Coleman, Bethany Dart, Claudia Marie Gervasini, Dakota Morgan, Diego Rivera-Rodriguez, and Hazel Youngquist
Writen by Nathan Paukstelis
Directed by Nathan Paukstelis with Renee Cyr
Mentored by Henry Bial
Videography by Erik Harken
Cast: Grace Heldridge, Dakota Morgan, and Nathan Paukstelis
Mother Doesn’t Like It When I Paint My Nails
Devised/Written by Hanah Glimpse and team
Directed by Hanah Glimpse
Mentored by Kelly Vogel
Design by Hanah Glimpse
Dramaturgy by Paul-Michael Johnson
Videography by Venus Leung
Cast: Sami Gotskind and Mickey Pluta
Down Stage Zombie
Written by Stella Garibaldi
Directed by Stella Garibaldi
Mentored by Jane Barnette
Cinematography by Bailey Dobbins
Videography by Joey Moreno
Cast: Denniel Correa Olmo, Jake Gillespie, Hunter Hill, India MacDonald, Malcolm Reynolds, Lauren Smith, Mary Spencer, and Kara Stobie
Part 2
Urinetown, the (home-video) Musical
Created by Timmia Hearn Feldman and team
inspired by and with excerpts from Urinetown: The Musical with music by Mark Hollmann, lyrics by Mark Hollmann and Greg Kotis
Directed by Timmia Hearn Feldman
Musical Direction by Allison Lewis and Ryan McCall
Choreography by Gabrielle Smith
Mentored by Rana Esfandiary
Design by John Dylon Rohr
Cinematography by Max Jiang
Cast: Kayla Cook, Ella Galbraith, Dalima Kapten, Allison Lewis, Tinashe Mukoyi, Jessica Myrick, Gabrielle Smith, Anna’Marie Sosa, and Mary Spencer